Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

This is a fine roleplaying game, with a distinctive feel from its setting in an alternate late-mediaeval Europe menaced by dark and insidious forces

The Enemy Within

An epic campaign, in which a group of misfits barges erratically around the land, thwarting the machinations of Chaos as it attempts to subvert decently corrupt and self-interested folk to the worship of dark gods. Mysterious influences have in recent months suspended the progress of this plot movement just as it might have reached its climax, and latest adventures have been focussed on surviving the assaults and more recently seeking to derail the plans of an ancient necromancer. This quest has taken Our Heroes to the rivers and jungles of the new world.


An embryonic campaign, to be set in a great trading port, among low-lives and reprobates by the looks of it.


I think Warhammer is sadly out of print at the moment, so the best resources, apart from the second-hand section of your friendly local games shop, are on the net. Find some of them here.

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